Monday 2 July 2012

Work OOTD *Seven

Hey Cupcakes

Apologise for the delay. I've had a super busy bumble bee weekend it's been epic loved every minute of it. Had friends birthday surprise night out in Liverpool, performed in burlesque show (will do separate post on that :)), mum and dad returned from their awesome travels on Route 66 bearing gifts yiipe again will do a separate post and last of all my amazing BF came up for the weekend yay.

Anyway back to WOTD post. I was having a casual Friday again hence the hair pinned back.

What I am wearing
Blazer - Primark
Pink tee - River Island
Black trousers - M&S
Black boots
Prescribed torta shell glasses

Sorry about my expressions on the pics it was early and I was verrrry tired.

Let me know if you like. It's not my most well put together outfit and it's not very interesting but sometimes plain and simple works.


Next posts

Liverpool OOTN
Burlesque Showcase
Route 66 Gifts
Collective Haul with vid


  1. love the blazer!xhope you can check out my blog :D x
