Sunday 2 September 2012

Hair Lust #Week 1

Hey Dolls

My current interest or maybe I should take it to the extreme of saying my latest and ongoing OBSESSION (apart from wearing my boyfriends attire ) blah blah sowwri is HAIR.

I am forever wanting to change the colour and style of my hair like seriously I must get the urge to change it everyday. Hair is such a vital part of appearance to me I love how versatile it is.

I am going to every Sunday keep you lovelies updated with my latest hair lust/envy.

This week I am loving 'Mermaid Hair' how do I define this..... Well basically Ariel hair Long, very Long Wavy, magical, colourful, Pastel, Enchanted.

What's your hair lust !!!! Would live to hear from you!!!



  1. helloooo mrs!
    i totally understand what you mean by mermaid hair!
    the lilac hair is gorgeous, i've had mine peach before and i've got the waves but i don't have the length so i'm desprately trying to grow it so i can have it like this.
    anyway, you have a lovely blog, i'm your newest follower.
    hope to speak soon, you seem lovely!
    laura x

    1. Hey Doll

      Thanks for checking out and following my blog. I'm in the process of growing my hair too it just takes to long ha.


  2. Jadeeee i need hair inspiration. I have the length now im bored!! Style meeeeee!! im thinking of dipping!! what u think?? Love ya bebe Lisa xxxxxxxx

    1. hey babes I think a dip dye would work really well :D.You could do like a lilac colour thats what I want when my hairs long haa grow hair haa xxxx
